William McCormack Place – Cable Trellis System

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William McCormack Place 2 is a nine-storey office building in Cairns, QLD. Housed within is a grid-style cable trellis, comprised of horizontal and vertical cables which affix to the supporting walls via stainless steel wall mounts.

William McCormack Place 2 is a nine-storey office building in Cairns, QLD. Housed within is a grid-style cable trellis system, comprised of horizontal and vertical cables which affix to the supporting walls via stainless steel wall mounts. The trellis flows up vertical walls, and folds back horizontally across the canopy enabling full cover over the pergola.

The effect is a vibrant, cool and fresh space within which the building occupants can enjoy the fresh air and shade provided by the structure. The cable trellis system has been fully engineered to ensure long term structural performance, as the plants grow and apply increasing load to the system.

Photos: Andrew Watson


Ronstan Tensile Architecture