Catenary Lighting

The presence of light can critically define space. The flexibility available with catenary lighting suspended from Ronstan Tensile Architecture structural cables enables purposeful illumination with pin point accuracy. For large open public spaces, lighting from catenary systems creates a peaceful transition between environments instead of stark separation. Whether installing directional lighting, artwork sculptures or feature light sculptures, the use of suspended catenary systems creates a unique ambience for that space, and maximises the usable footprint of the public area by limiting light poles, masts or intrusive support structures.

Catenary Lighting is based on the ‘less-is-more’ ideology that sometimes brighter light is needed, but often it is not. Suspending luminaires from cables allows light to be focused in areas that need it, leaving other places in darkness. Pedestrians can be guided to safer areas, with light spill reduced to minimise light pollution and energy consumption, something conventional public lighting cannot achieve.

Ronstan Tensile Architecture understands these requirements along with the structural design of the buildings to which catenary cables connect. Our design team uses 3D analysis and structural computer modelling to ensure the most efficient cable and connection design, and makes performance checks to ensure luminaires maintain their position and protect the overall integrity of the lighting concept. Ronstan provides this complete concept, installation and certification solution, which allows us to tailor a project scope that brings to life your most exuberant lighting or artwork design intent.

Please contact us for help with your project or to request more information.

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Ronstan Tensile Architecture